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Lecture 12. Abstract Classes

Today's reading: Sierra & Bates, Chapter 8.

original notes


An abstract class is a class whose sole purpose is to be extended.

public abstract class List {
  protected int size;

  public int length() {
    return size;

  public abstract void insertFront(Object item);

Abstract classes don't allow you to create objects directly. You can declare a variable of type List, but you can't create a List object.

List myList;                 // Right on.
myList = new List();         // COMPILE-TIME ERROR.

However, abstract classes can be extended in the same way as ordinary classes, and the subclasses are usually not abstract. (They can be, but usually they're normal subclasses with complete implementations.)

The abstract List class above includes an abstract method, insertFront. An abstract method lacks an implementation. One purpose of an abstract method is to guarantee that every non-abstract subclass will implement the method. Specifically, every non-abstract subclass of List must have an implementation for the insertFront method.

public class SList extends List {
  // inherits the "size" field.
  protected SListNode head;

  // inherits the "length" method.

  public void insertFront(Object item) {
    head = new SListNode(item, head);

If you leave out the implementation of insertFront in SList, the Java compiler will complain that you must provide one. A non-abstract class may never contain an abstract method, nor inherit one without providing an implementation.

Because SList is not abstract, we can create SList objects; and because SLists are Lists, we can assign an SList to a List variable.

List myList = new SList();   // Right on.
myList.insertFront(obj);     // Right on.

What are abstract classes good for? It's all about the interface.

|  An abstract class lets you define an interface  |
|    - for multiple classes to share,              |
|    - without defining any of them yet.           |

Let's consider the List class. Although the List class is abstract, it is an ADT–even without any implementation!– because it has an interface with public method prototypes and well-defined behaviors. We can implement an algorithm–for example, a list sorter–based on the List interface, without ever knowing how the lists will be implemented. One list sorter can sort every kind of List.

public void listSort(List l) { ... }

In another part of the universe, your project partners can build lots of subclasses of List: SList, DList, TailList, and so on. They can also build special-case List subclasses: for example, a TimedList that records the amount of time spent doing List operations, and a TransactionList that logs all changes made to the list on a disk so that all information can be recovered if a power outage occurs. A library catalogue application that uses DLists can send them to your listSort algorithm to be sorted. An airline flight database that uses TransactionLists can send them to you for sorting, too, and you don't have to change a line of sorting code. You may have written your list sorter years before TransactionLists were ever thought of.

The list sorter is built on the foundation of a list ADT, and the application is built on the foundation of the list sorter. However, it's the application, and not the list sorter, that gets to choose what kind of list is actually used, and thereby obtains special features like transaction logging. This is a big advantage of object-oriented languages like Java.



Java has an "interface" keyword which refers to something quite different than the interfaces I defined in Lecture 8, even though the two interfaces are related. Henceforth, when I say "interfaces" I mean public fields, public method prototypes, and the behaviors of public methods. When I say "Java interfaces" I mean Java's "interface" keyword.

A Java interface is just like an abstract class, except for two differences.

  1. In Java, a class can inherit from only one class, even if the superclass is an abstract class. However, a class can "implement" (inherit from) as many Java interfaces as you like.
  2. A Java interface cannot implement any methods, nor can it include any fields except "final static" constants. It only contains method prototypes and constants.
public interface Nukeable {               // In
  public void nuke();

public interface Comparable {             // In java.lang
  public int compareTo(Object o);

public class SList extends List implements Nukeable, Comparable {
  [Previous stuff here.]

  public void nuke() {
    head = null;
    size = 0;

  public int compareTo(Object o) {
    [Returns a number < 0 if this < o,
                        0 if this.equals(o), 
                      > 0 if this > o.]

Observe that the method prototypes in a Java interface may be declared without the "abstract" keyword, because it would be redundant; a Java interface cannot contain a method implementation.

The distinction between abstract classes and Java interfaces exists because of technical reasons that you might begin to understand if you take CS 164 (Compilers). Some languages, like C++, allow "multiple inheritance," so that a subclass can inherit from several superclasses. Java does not allow multiple inheritance in its full generality, but it offers a sort of crippled form of multiple inheritance: a class can "implement" multiple Java interfaces.

Why does Java have this limitation? Multiple inheritance introduces a lot of problems in both the definition of a language and the efficient implementation of a language. For example, what should we do if a class inherits from two different superclasses two different methods or fields with the same name? Multiple inheritance is responsible for some of the scariest tricks and traps of the C++ language, subtleties that cause much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Java interfaces don't have these problems.

Because an SList is a Nukeable and a Comparable, we can assign it to variables of these types.

Nukeable n = new SList();
Comparable c = (Comparable) n;

The cast is required because not every Nukeable is a Comparable.

"Comparable" is a standard interface in the Java library. By having a class implement Comparable, you immediately gain access to Java's sorting library. For instance, the Arrays class in java.util includes a method that sorts arrays of Comparable objects.

public static void sort(Object[] a)       // In java.util

The parameter's type is Object[], but a run-time error will occur if any item stored in a is not a Comparable.

Interfaces can be extended with subinterfaces. A subinterface can have multiple superinterfaces, so we can group several interfaces into one.

public interface NukeAndCompare extends Nukeable, Comparable { }

We could also add more method prototypes and constants, but in this example I don't.

Date: 2014-05-11T12:39-0700


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